Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Video Documentary of New Bedford Children

Click on the link to watch a video of the aftermath of the New Bedford raid:
Video Documentary

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I watch this entire situation unfold, and learn more from those who watched the raid, and who was affected by it, I can't help but wonder what happened to the values we had as adults. Not just as Christians.
We are breaking up families with gusto, enthustically treating and thinking of people like scum. Feeling joyous with somehow "beating them at their own game", as if this were a competition and "we" are somehow better than they are! Indifference amounting to torture. and cruelty to what remains of those US Citizens that ICE, INS and the FBI are trying to protect. The children now left without parents.
60 years ago the world learned in horror about one country and how they treated their Jewish citizens. We were all smug in how WE would never allow that, and questioned "what was the matter with the German people to allow that kind of behavior to continue? Someone should have stopped it!" and then pronounced judgment. "They allowed it to happen, they are all guilty!"
Pray God that we learn from history and stop repeating it.